Nice opens its first tramway line in late 2007. More than one third of the 350,000 inhabitants of the city live in the precincts of the 21 tramway stops. There are some very special features. Two squares in the city centre, both urban pieces of jewellery, are crossed with battery power to forgo overhead wires. The depot and the workshop at the northern terminus Las Planas are completely covered with park and ride facilities due to lack of space. And last not least, there is a lot of artwork in and around the tramways: Large sculptures like the “Thinkers” at place Masséna, of which you can see one on the picture above, individual sound samples for the announcements of the stations, very artificial lighting at some places in the centre and more. Two additional lines are planned. Line 2 will follow the coastline of the Mediterranean sea for about 15 km.
T1 Henri Sappia - Pasteur (9,2 km)
24/11/2007 T1 Las Planas - Pont Michel (8,7 km)
06/07/2013 T1 Pont Michel - Pasteur (0,5 km)
06/07/2013 T1 Las Planas station renamed as Henri Sappia
T3 Saint-Augustin - Lingostière (2015)
T2 Gare Riquier - Saint-Augustin (2016)
T1 Pasteur - La Trinité
T2 Saint-Augustin - Cagnes sur Mer
Rolling Stock
28 Citadis 302, delivered as from 2007/2010 - 15 cars extended to Citadis 402 in 2011-2012
Tramway de l’agglomération Nice Côte d’Azur -
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© by Christoph Groneck